
Architectural Designs is always interested in hearing from new, talented designers and we appreciate your interest in working with us. As our tagline states, we have been "selling quality house plans for generations." We are family-owned, care deeply about our design partners and our valued customers across the US and beyond. Our highly curated portfolio presented on the most relevant platform in the home plan industry is what sets us apart from the competition.

We are interested in adding high quality home plans that reflect today's lifestyle. The designs must include strong visual presentation through photorealistic renderings and/or top-quality photographs. Please fill out the form below, upload samples of your work and tell us a little something about you!

How to Join

To get the process started, we need to see samples of your work, either online or by email. Fill out the form below, and we’ll begin the review.

Please attach a sample set of working drawings (feel free to stamp "not for construction") including samples of renderings and marketing floor plans for our review. At least one attachment is required.

Working Drawings

At least 2 full sets of construction documents (preferably stamped with "no for construction").

Marketing Assets

At least 4 exterior renderings and/or photos for 2 separate designs and 2-3 interior elevations or photos.

Floor Plans

Marketing floor plans for at least 2 designs.