Modification request

To receive your free modification quote within 1 to 3 business days, please fill out the form below and be as descriptive as possible.
PDF - Single-Build $1,295
PDF - Single-Build $1,295
A PDF file with a license to build and a copyright release giving you legal permission to make ch...
A PDF file with a license to build and a copyright release giving you legal permission to make changes and printing unlimited sets. Delivered digitally, typically within 1 to 2 days. Comes with a Single-Build License giving you permission to build the home one time.
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PDF - Unlimited Build $1,995
A complete set of working drawings delivered in a PDF digital format. These PDF files come with a...
A complete set of working drawings delivered in a PDF digital format. These PDF files come with a license to build an unlimited number of homes with no re-use fees. This also includes a copyright release for making modifications and printing unlimited sets of plans.
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CAD + PDF - Unlimited Build $2,395
Electronic files in .DWG format. Version varies. Designed to make minor to major alterations. The...
Electronic files in .DWG format. Version varies. Designed to make minor to major alterations. The CAD file - and an accompanying PDF for your convenience - is delivered by email and comes with a license to build an unlimited number of homes without any re-use fees. Typical delivery time is 1-2 business days.
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If you wish to send a sketch along with your request, you have 3 options:

  • Attach the file with your request below (limit files to 250MB)
  • Email it directly to us at [email protected] (include your name and the plan number)
  • Fax a sketch to 203-761-8600 (include your name, plan number, and phone/email)

Attach Files