Modification request

The designer charges $49.00 for a modification quote. This fee will be credited to your modification fee if you purchase the modified plan. The plan's designer will contact you directly.
PDF - Single-Build $2,375
PDF - Single-Build $2,375
A PDF file with a license to build and a copyright release giving you legal permission to make ch...
A PDF file with a license to build and a copyright release giving you legal permission to make changes and printing unlimited sets. Delivered digitally, typically within 1 to 2 days. Comes with a Single-Build License giving you permission to build the home one time.
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CAD Unlimited + PDF $4,150
Used by design professionals, structural engineers and builders, the CAD (computer-aided design) ...
Used by design professionals, structural engineers and builders, the CAD (computer-aided design) is used to make significant modifications to a plan. This version includes a copyright release giving you legal permission to make changes and printing unlimited sets. Delivered digitally with a complimentary PDF typically within 1 to 2 days. Comes with a license to build an unlimited number of homes. Not all designers use the same CAD program. Please contact us to learn more about the software used for a specific plan. 
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If you wish to send a sketch along with your request, you have 3 options:

  • Attach the file with your request below (limit files to 250MB)
  • Email it directly to us at [email protected] (include your name and the plan number)
  • Fax a sketch to 203-761-8600 (include your name, plan number, and phone/email)

Attach Files